
The Six Darsanas : 4 to 8. Swami Sivananda

=============================== ----------------------------------------------------- 16/04/2020. ------------------------------------------------- 4. VRITTI Sadvrittih sannibandhana A Vritti is a short gloss explaining the aphorisms in a more elaborate way, but not as extensively as a Bhashya. An example is Bodhayana's Vritti on the Brahma Sutras. 5.VARTTIKA Uktanuktaduruktanam Chinta yatra pravartate Tam grantham varttikam prahuh Varttikajnavichakshanah A Varttika is a work where a critical study is made of that which is said and left unsaid or imperfectly said in a Bhashya, and the ways of making it perfect by supplying the omissions therein, are given. Examples are the Varttikas of Katyayana on Panini's Sutras, of Suresvara on Sankara's Upanishad-Bhashyas, and of Kumarila Bhatta on the Sabara-Bhashya on the Karma-Mimamsa. 6.VYAKHYANA OR TIKA A Vyakhyana is a running explanation in an easier language of what is said in the original, with lit...

The Six Darsanas : 3. Swami Sivananda

======================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19/02/2020. 3.BHASHYAM : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Sutrartho varnyate yatra Padaih sutranusaribhih Svapadani cha varnyante Bhashyam bhashyavido viduh." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. #A Bhashyam is an elaborate exposition, a commentary on the Sutras, with word by word meaning of the aphoristic precepts, their running translation, together with the individual views of the commentator or the Bhashyakara.  #The best and the exemplary Bhashyam in Sanskrit literature is the one written by Patanjali on the Vyakarana Sutras of Panini.  This Bhashyam is so ve...

The Six Darshanas : 2. Swami Sivananda

====================================================================== ===================================================================== 29/11/2019. 2. SUTRAM : ======================================================================= Svalpaksharam-asandigdham Saravad-visvatomukham Astobham-anavadyam cha Sutram sutravido viduh A Sutra or an aphorism is a short formula with the least possible number of letters, without any ambiguity or doubtful assertion, containing the very essence, embracing all meanings, without any stop or obstruction and absolutely faultless in nature. The Sutrakara or the composer of the aphorisms is said to be as happy as one would be while getting the first male child, if he is but able to reduce one letter in his abstruse Sutra of far-fetched words and ideas. The best example of the greatest, the tersest and the most perfect of Sutra literature is the series of aphorisms called the Ashtadhyayi composed by Panini. Panini is the father of all S...

The Six Darshanas : 1. Swami Sivananda

======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28/09/2019. 1. Introduction : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the intellectual section of the Hindu writings, while the first four are intuitional, and the fifth inspirational and emotional. Darsanas are schools of philosophy based on the Vedas. The Agamas are theological. The Darsana literature is philosophical. The Darsanas are meant for the erudite scholars who are endowed with acute acumen, good understanding, power of reasoning and subtle intellect. The Itihasas, Puranas and Agamas are meant for the masses. The Darsanas appeal to the intellect, while the Itihasas, Puranas, etc., appeal to the heart. Philosophy has six divisions-Shad-darsana-the six Darsanas or ways of seeing thi...

What is the Vedantic message of the Ramayanam? : Swami Chinmayananda

27/07/2019  RAMAYANAM : WONDER EPIC : THIS GREAT HOLY BOOK FOR ALL TO READ, ASSIMILATE THE TATWAM, AND FOLLOW IN OWN LIFE ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    In Ayodhya, (yudhdha means conflict, Ayodhya means where there is no conflict) to King Dasharatha was born the Supreme Lord, Shri Rama as a baby. Shri Rama grows up in Ayodhya and then goes out of Ayodhya with sage Vishwamitra to protect the yagnaas. Shri Rama gets married to Sita. Janaka is her father. Janaka found her while ploughing the mother earth, the most improbable place to come out from. Ultimately, she goes back to mother earth. So here is someone who came from no-cause and goes back to no-cause, and this is called, in Vedanta, as ‘ Maaya’. Thus Shri Rama, the Atman, the Self, gets wedded to Maaya. Once ‘Self ‘ gets wedded to Maaya, the Ego, ‘I’ cannot remain in Ayodhya. Conflict must necessarily ...

"Vedanta": -----

  Vedanta—The Most Satisfactory System of Philosophy     Some of the doctrines of the Nyaya, the Vaiseshika, the Sankhya and the Yoga are opposed to the teaching of the Vedas. These systems are only superficially based on the Vedas. The Nyaya and the Vaiseshika schools rely too much on human reason, though they accept the Vedas as the supreme authority. Human intellect is frail and finite. It has got its limitations. It functions within time, space and causation. Its findings cannot be infallible. It cannot solve transcendental matters. Vedas only are infallible and authoritative. They contain the revelations or direct intuitional experiences of Seers and Rishis. These experiences will tally with the experiences of those who have attained Knowledge of the Self (Brahma-Jnana).     The Vedanta is the most satisfactory system of philosophy. It has been evolved out of the Upanishads. It has superseded all other schools. The Mimamsa school has la...

"Interrelation in tha Six Systems": ....

            Interrelation Between The Six Systems The six schools are divided into three groups: (i) the Nyaya and the Vaiseshika, (ii) the Sankhya and the Yoga, and (iii) the Mimamsa and the Vedanta. The Vaiseshika is a supplement of the Nyaya. The Yoga is a supplement of the Sankhya. The Vedanta is an amplification and fulfilment of the Sankhya. Study of Vyakarana (grammar), Mimamsa, Nyaya and Sankhya sharpens the intellect and enables the aspirants to grasp the Vedanta. The Nyaya is considered as a prerequisite for all philosophical enquiry. The Vaiseshika is not very much in honour now. The Nyaya is popular. The Sankhya is not a living faith. The Yoga is practised by a few in its practical form. The Vedanta is the most popular of all the schools today. The Nyaya and the Vaiseshika will give you an analysis of the world of experience. They arrange all things of the world into certain kinds or categories (Padarthas). They explain how...